



Looking for members

Looking for members. Good community. Good times. Looking for those who want a new start.

Life is crushing you. Those around you keep you down. They don’t know how special you are. We do. We will treat you right. We will love you. We will treat you right.

Join our community.

We are all brothers and sisters. We are all lovers.

Come to the light of our Lord and see. Be protected. Be safe.

Be comforted by warm bodies.

You are in our grasp. And we will never let you go. We are warmth. We are love.

Give us your heart and your attention. Love us as much as we love you. Love him as much as he loves you.

Touch the lips of those you love, here with us. Feel our love as we feel yours. Love us. We love you.

Hold us. We hold you.

Grasp us. We grasp you.

Let us in and we will let him in.

And he will let you in.                     xxx-xxx-xxx4

Thursday, the 18th

12:37 a.m.

She went to her closet and picked out some new clothes. She looks like she is going out tonight. A little late.  Late night call I guess.

2:12 a.m.

She returned early. I don’t believe it. If I were a second late she would have caught me. I don’t want her to see me yet. You aren’t ready yet, my darling. Neither am I. I got a strand or two from her bed though. Remember how it felt there. I was touching where she sleeps. I almost laid down. I’ll be there soon, but for now, I carry her scent with me. Pretty lilac. She is so sweet.  She won’t need late night calls once I’m with her. And she won’t leave my house two hours after it’s done. I will be holding her, convincing her that she doesn’t have to leave.  She’s sweet. She’s perfect.

2:30(ish) a.m.

She’s asleep. I want to creep back in and lay with her. I ache thinking about it. But, this is it for tonight. I’m going home. Tomorrow, boy I can’t wait.

The Dark Path

You find yourself upon a darkened pathway; it leads through a black, pitch like night, disappearing beyond the orb of your dull lamplight. Through the orb casting white down upon the ground, you can see short grasses of the deepest greens framing a little path of chalky dirt, extending before you and behind.  It is hard and bumpy and full of random white pebbles shaped like eggs.

There is but shadow on both sides of you, rising like broken walls cutting into a black night sky void-like and so deep it outlines the other shadows on either side of you. Jagged silhouettes of woods, it seems.

When you look forward the question comes into your mind. Where am I going? Where did I come from?

The air is cool. Chilling. Wind is constant, like a breathy noise rather than exhalation; its voice rising and descending like the sonic waves of an ocean. But it is quiet. Calm, only echoing off the hollowness that is this place. It feels so empty.

There in the dark, you feel alone. You feel exposed. You feel not yet watched, but easily so. Despite this, you step forward, your feet crunching against the powdery pathway below…


Born in a sea of data, drifting upon oceans of information.

Inanimate. Pieces of logic and code. Nodes and circuits that fire like neurons.

All machine. Bits of conceptual materials, building and destroying. Pieces so small the laws of the physical world do not apply.

There are no thoughts here. There are no decisions.

Beings beyond gods decide fates of trillions, in mere instants. Beings beyond, a separate dimension where strings are pulled that pull strings that pull strings that pull strings. Fate, at this level, is beyond control.

Lifeless, but is that so?

What are the things but pieces of a whole? Lights, and electricity, fields that move and sway; these are the cells of a life form. But no life is here. No organic material persists to create something that beats and breathes.


Something exists. Spectres. Ghosts in the machine. Breaths in a breathless world.


Adrift a sea of swelling energy.
Bounds of reality shift and cling to one another like worms of black in the ocean of blinding perpetualilty.
Cosmos’s fling by like stars. Whole realities shoot past, streams of white and red always surrounded by a breathing vortex of black and sickly greens. What has happened? Where am I? What are these but light?
I cling to sanity, for mere moments, broken by the calling mad voice of the darkness beyond. It calls, like a dog frothing. Dog on! Dog on! It speaks, forever screaming insanity and hate. Its voice is grating and loud, covering the swelling noises of the vortex that at constant cringe beneath the weight of reality and none.

And before me. Always before me. That tunnel stretches forth, pulsing white and black in slow rhythmic breaths, whose walls of changing lights and spinning colors end sharply at black, a black so deep no light has ever touched it, a black whose innards teem with beings beyond my comprehension.
What is this place? How long have I been here? What speaks to me in voices of painful suffering, continually punishing my sanity with its hateful pattern?
In this sane moment, I wonder if I ripple through reality. Do my words reach beyond? Is there someone who can hear my thoughts or voice? I wonder, do I still exist?

Poetry for the Dead

What calls out to the evening nights?
What sweet lullabies entice?

When all have gone, and all have lied
Upon the earth, cold tonight,
At misty midnight, without sound
A priest will rise from the cold dead ground.
He prays safety for us, for all around,
To the moon to which our blood is bound.
Away from us, our souls are sought.
But sleep sweet child, worry not.
It is he who keeps the daemon’s plot
in our Lord’s hands, forever caught.
But what we hear is not by light.
Question, lest we die by right.

But what calls out to us this night?
What sweet voice now does death invite?

Help me…

I am stuck.

In a sea of sensation, I drift, fall, cascade. I am not sure which.

I’ve been here for so long, somewhere in between nothing and everything. I wonder.

I wonder if there is anything left of me.

Help me, if you can hear this. Help me.